The Breakup Guide

The worst part about young love? It is almost sure to end. First loves have to be the worst breakups. Whether you're going through a first love breakup or you've went through several loves, this is a guide for all the heartbroken young loves. 

The first thing you should do is NOT beg for them back even if you're the one who did the breaking up. I know it's hard not to because you never want the good times to end, but begging will just make it harder to get over. If it is reversed and they're begging for you back, say no. They had their chance with you and it didn't work. Remember, you left for a reason. If it was a good reason, they probably don't deserve you back. If it was a dumb reason, don't prolong their pain. Move on. 
Second, don't lie about the reason you guys broke up. Lying will just be the start of digging yourself in a hole you don't want to be in. A big reason you shouldn't lie is not because it's completely wrong, but because you can't remember every detail of your lie so your story will change a little each time. Be honest why you broke up, don't fear judgement as hard as it may be. ("Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"- Dr. Seuss).
Third, get rid of anything that can remind you of them. You don't have to throw away everything they touched, just get rid of the things they gave you. Keeping it will just make you miss the memories and your heart will be tricked into thinking you miss the person. Dispose or give back the items your ex boyfriend/girlfriend gave you.
Fourth, don't hang out alone just "as friends". Chances are you'll want to do the things you used to when you were dating or they're just using you. You don't have to avoid them completely, just keep necessary conversations short and it's better not to see each other when you don't have to. 
Last, don't get so upset. It hurts to lose someone you care about, but it's not the end of the world. Everything happens for a reason whether its good or bad. It's alright to move on and be with someone else, just wait until you're ready. You won't die of a broken heart like in soap operas. I promise broken hearts heal. 

Be you and stay beautiful

Maggie McAllister
10/4/2013 04:01:01 am

Ally, this blog is really inspiring. Most girls know what it is like to go this sort of stuff. What helps you the most to get through this kind of stuff?


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